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What's New in Maya 2011

автор a0b создано в 3/11/2010 10:12:00 PM 0 коммент.

New File Browser: Maya now has a new File Browser window, which provides you with option box options inline with the file browser itself.
New Shelf Editor: Maya now has a new Shelf Editor window. This window features a more streamlined layout that allows you to modify shelves and shelf items without navigating between tabs. The editor now supports double-click commands, and editable icon label colors and backgrounds.
Tabbed browsing for Attribute Editor and Channel Box: You can now open the Channel Box/Layer Editor and Attribute Editor simultaneously as tabs which reside on the side of the panel.
Drag and Drop interactivity: You can dock and undock menus and UI elements around different parts of the UI by dragging and dropping their dotted edges. You can also manually resize UI elements by dragging them along their dotted edges.
New Color Chooser: Maya now has a new Color Chooser window. This window features enhanced color history tracking, multiple color selection methods, the ability to sample colors directly from images, and customizable 256 color palettes that can be saved and loaded. The Attribute Editor also features a condensed version fo the Color Chooser window to make color selection quicker and easier than before.
Additional formats for custom icons: Maya now has expanded support for file formats when creating custom icons for the shelf, assets, the hypergraph, etc. The supported formats now include BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PBM, PGM, PPM, XBM, SVG, or XPM. Additionally, images that are not the correct size are scaled now rather than cropped.
Maya 64-bit now supported on Mac OS X: Mac OS X users can access considerably more memory to handle larger and more complex scenes with the 64-bit version of Maya.
Maya uses IPv6 on Windows Vista: Maya now uses IPv6 on Windows Vista by default. To revert back to IPv4, set the environment variable MAYA_IP_TYPE = ipv4.
Script Editor auto-completion: The script editor now auto-completes recognized commands and object path names when you enable the Command Completion and Object Path Completion options.


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